🌿PEAT April Newsletter 

🌿 Monday 1st April, and the spring equinox has passed, signifying when our daylight hours start to lengthen. Somehow the extra daylight makes it feel that more things are possible, and plants, animals, and people begin to emerge. Somehow slowly and inexorably the seasons change. Does anyone else have that feeling, that before you know it, autumn has come and you never noticed the spring or summer? How many other things I wonder do we not notice inexorably slipping away from us? Dwindling species, disastrous weather events, are increasingly spoken of as normal and something to be accepted. Coupled with catastrophic global events it’s easy to feel weighed down and ask ‘what can I do’, and how do we sustain ourselves? 

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.’ Someone once said to me, reminding me that regardless of limitations or resources, and whether the perfect moment or ideal conditions exist, to take small steps forward, and take risks in pursuing our hopes for a greener, fairer future. We won’t be able to figure it all out, and uncertainties and troubles will remain, but in the spirit of ‘doing what we can, with what we have, where we are’, here are some things to try, watch, read, ponder on, and ways to gather together.

Rob Hopkins, author of ‘ From What Is to What If: Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want’ has invented the power to cast ourselves forward into the future! Creator of the Transition Movement he advocates using our imagination to dream into the future. I heard him speak at an online event hosted by The Quaker based Woodbrooke learning organisation. For other similar events see their programme, https://www.woodbrooke.org.uk/category/news/  You can hear and see him here. https://youtu.be/cRvhY4S94ic He shows us that the future is already present, so uplifting. No reason we couldn’t do that on the Cartmel Peninsula. Anyone interested? Please get in touch. 

I’ve just recently come across Clover Hogan, who at 24 years old is the Founder and Director of Force of Nature, a climate activist and global speaker. Watch a clip of her ‘speaking truth to power’ here, about corporate lobbyists overwhelming international processes like COP 28 ‘Would you rather have someone representing the interests of 8 billion people or someone representing the interests of 10 shareholders?’ Always helpful and inspirational to see someone respond so well to such challenges. 

https://www.linkedin.com/posts/cloverhogan_cop28-climatecrisis-climateaction-activity-7175823368917544960-IEvI utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios

Whilst driving to Ulverston recently I saw many skeins of geese flying over, a real spectacle, and it reminded me that there is still beauty in the world. Geese fly in a ‘v’ formation I understand to conserve energy, keep an eye on each other, the one in front dropping back when tired. Makes you think doesn’t it? 

At PEAT we are always looking for new topics for our members, for public meetings, as well as opportunities to work with others. We had a really successful Solar Made Easy event with Cumbria Action for Sustainability in March, with nearly 100 people attending. So any ideas please get in touch. Following a recent survey of members we are holding our meetings every couple of months and trying to move them around the peninsula.  We want to see the PEAT community develop more momentum across the Cartmel Peninsula.

Warm wishes Annette (Chair)